Genwealth 8 Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 17 October 2019

As a general rule, we will only collect and use your Personal Data through, including but not limited, cookies, pixel tags, website and data analytics, and other technologies in accordance with the Act, solely for the purposes notified to you. Such information includes but is not limited to the following:

For each visitor to our Services, our server automatically recognises information regarding your domain name (or that of the visitor’s access provider) but not the email address or other information that allows you to be identified (unless you choose to interact with us through activities such as subscribing to our mailing list or signing up for an event). We also collect aggregated information regarding user access or visits to our Services. Information collected automatically and aggregated information do not identify you personally and will only be used by use for analytical and statistical purposes, such as determining the countries from which our visitors originate.

Only authorised staff have access to your Personal Data. Our authorised staff are required to abide by their contractual obligations to maintain the confidentiality and privacy of your Personal Data at all times.

We do not sell any Personal Data in our possession to anyone or any third party for any purpose. Your Personal Data will not be published on our website. We will only disclose your Personal Data in circumstances that: you have expressly or implicitly consented to, or deemed to have consented to; that have been specifically notified to you; are necessary for the operation of our Services; or otherwise only in limited circumstances such as to government departments, statutory boards, regulatory or law enforcement agencies or in accordance with the applicable laws.

To protect and safeguard the confidentiality of your Personal Data and to ensure that they are safe, secure and private, we adopt the following systems security and monitoring measures:-

We are committed to monitoring our security system constantly for potential situations that could compromise the security or the privacy of our customers, online users and visitors to our website and to exploring new technology continually to enhance our security system. Nevertheless, we do not warrant the security of your Personal Data transmitted to us using our website and internet and online services. This is because you accept the risks that any of your Personal Data transmitted to or received by us using our website and internet and online services may still be accessed and/or disclosed by unauthorised third parties.

Your responsibility in safeguarding your Personal Data

It is important that you do your part to ensure that any Personal Data provided to us via our Services or email or any other channels of communication are done in a safe and secure manner. We will not be liable to you for any losses, damages, expenses, costs (including legal costs) and charges (whether direct or indirect, foreseeable or unforeseeable, special or consequential or economic loss) incurred or suffered by you arising out of you sending email messages containing your Personal Data to us over the Internet or for any error, fraud, forgery, system failure or anything beyond our control or in connection with your failure to adhere to the terms and conditions herein and the terms and conditions of access to our website under and/or your failure to follow the above recommended security measures.

Under the Act, you have the right of access to your Personal Data in our possession or under our control or information which may have been used or disclosed by us within a year before the date of your request. Your request to us for access must be made in writing and subject to payment of any fees that we may prescribe.

If you have any reasons to believe that any Personal Data which you have provided to us is inaccurate, incorrect, incomplete or not updated, you may write to us. We will, after using reasonable efforts to verify the authenticity of the request, promptly update your records accordingly within seven (7) working days from the date of receipt of your request.

Your Personal Data will be retained by us for as long as the original purposes or the legal or business purposes for which your Personal Data was collected continues. If retention is no longer necessary, we will use reasonable efforts to delete, destroy or de-identify your Personal Data unless retention of the same is required to satisfy legal or regulatory requirements or to protect our interests or in accordance with our policies.

Without prejudice to any other provision of this Privacy Policy, any Personal Data collected through our Services will be used and/or disclosed by us for any one or more of the following purposes:

We may amend this Policy from time to time and will make available the updated Policy on our Services. By continuing to access our Services you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Policy, as amended from time to time. The effective date of the Policy is the “Last Updated” date identified at the top of the page. You are responsible for ensuring we have an up-to-date and deliverable e-mail address and/or phone number for you and for periodically visiting our Policy to check for any changes.

This Policy is governed by Singapore law and you agree to irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Singapore.